Past events

August GaCCA Educational Meeting
The monthly GaCCA educational sessions target all healthcare workers and the public about the ways climate impacts health. Every month, we'll discuss a different health threat, populations that are vulnerable to the effects of climate change, or both. Most importantly, our talks will be solutions-based, discussing ways in which we can prepare for or mitigate the health effects of climate change every day. And we will always conclude by offering opportunities to get involved through advocacy at various levels to improve the health of all Georgians.
Climate Change Heat and Sports Safety
Join VCCA and our partners at Georgia Clinicians for Climate Action and North Carolina Clinicians for Climate Action in the discussion of heat and sports safety with Dr. Andrew Grundstein. In this presentation, Dr. Grundstein will speak on the impact of climate change and heat on sports safety. It will discuss the pillars of heat safety, with a focus on environmental monitoring, as well how to assess heat vulnerability.
Speakers: Dr. Andrew Grundstein, Professor @University of Georgia, Department of Geography
Dr. Grundstein is a Geographer-Climatologist with interests on the impacts of weather and climate on human health, with particular focus on assessing and monitoring heat. He has published over 70 peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals and his research on heat and health has been supported by grants from agencies such as the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Centers for Disease Control. He has served on various heat safety medical and science advisory committees, including for the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Inter Association of Athletic Federations (IAAF), and the Korey Stringer Institute (KSI). Dr. Grundstein received his bachelor’s degree from the University of California at Los Angeles, and his master’s and doctorate degrees from the University of Delaware.

Greening your business & improving your health
Please join the ABC’s Health & Human Services Committee on July 21st at 11:00am for our first green event!
About this event
About this event
We're so excited to have gathered a diverse group of speakers with demonstrated leadership in protecting our communities from environmental pollutants which threaten our health. Our goal is to support the business community in making informed decisions, and engaging in concrete actions, that will reduce our toxin exposures and improve our health outcomes. Many are unaware of how bad this pollution problem is, how it disproportionately impacts us, where it comes from, our own contributions, and how it is changing our climate. Equally important, we want to share how businesses and communities can advocate for our own protections, become more resilient and what to solutions to invest in.

GCCA Consults: The Georgia Water Coalition
The Georgia Water Coalition’s (GWC) mission is to protect and care for Georgia’s surface water and groundwater resources, which are essential for sustaining economic prosperity, providing clean and abundant drinking water, preserving diverse aquatic habitats for wildlife and recreation, strengthening property values, and protecting the quality of life for current and future generations.

Geographical Patterns of Heat Illness in the Rural Southeast U.S. and the Factors that Control its Incidence
Join VCCA, GCCA, and NCCCA in the discussion of heat illness with Dr. Chip Konrad. In this talk, the nature of heat illness is described across the Southeast U.S. through both the research carried out across the urban-rural continuum of North Carolina and the engagement with public health professionals and high school athletic personnel. The geographical patterns of heat illness are unveiled along with the climatic and socioeconomic factors that drive this variation. Lastly, efforts to reduce heat illness in vulnerable populations are delineated.

Children's Health & Climate Change: A Moment of Reflection on Earth Day's 50th Anniversary
On April 22, 2020, the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) partnered with ecoAmerica’s Climate for Health program to present Children's Health & Climate Change: A Moment of Reflection on Earth Day's 50th Anniversary. Moderated by Jerome Paulson, MD, FAAP and presented by Meighen Speiser (Executive Director, ecoAmerica), Lori Byron, MD, FAAP, Lisa Patel, MD, FAAP & Rebecca Philipsborn, MD, FAAP, the webinar focused on the extraordinary and devastating experience of the COVID-19 pandemic that both exposed vulnerabilities and suggested public health solutions that informed reflections on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Participants connected with colleagues to discuss efforts to protect children's health through climate action. This virtual forum featured national and state perspectives, outlined priorities, and shared solutions.